Belgian Bookkeeping and Tax (Mobile version)


Coordinations :
Bebotax BV - Steenweg Deinze 124 B
B-9810 Nazareth - Belgium
+32 (0)9 384 93 39

Bebotax and you
a relationship based on mutual trust

Since 1985, BEBOTAX enjoys the confidence of small, medium-sized and large companies from all sectors of the global economy.

Our qualified co-workers will assist you regarding your specific needs in terms of bookkeeping, tax returns and financial planning in order to help you safeguard your income, capital, pension and inheritance.

Our clients, who are located all over Belgium, but mainly in the Brussels region and in the Dutch speaking part of the country, are daily confronted with an ever changing legislation. Moreover, they also have to face increasing competition, as well as a growing versatility of information technology and the challenge of developing the right strategy for their company and private property.

That is why, they rely on BEBOTAX to adress their specific questions and to provide them with a quick solution to their problems. In our offices, figures and contracts are converted into clear and cost-effective advice. We also refer them to our worldwide network for additional competences and services.

Bebotax BV
Steenweg Deinze 124 B
B-9810 Nazareth - Belgium
- +32 (0)9 384 93 39 -
RPR Ghent Dep. Ghent
VAT BE 0438.569.761

Bebotax BV - Steenweg Deinze 124 B - B-9810 Nazareth - Bélgica - +32 (0)9 384 93 39 -
RPR Gent Dep. Gent - IVA BE 0438.569.761 -

Bebotax BV - Steenweg Deinze 124 B - B-9810 Nazareth - Belgium - +32 (0)9 384 93 39 -
RPR Ghent Dep. Ghent - VAT BE 0438.569.761 -

© 2007-2024                                                                                                                                                     Last update: 06/06/2024